October 13, 2023

Chairman Arrington, Representative Bergman Launch Budget Committee Oversight Task Force

The Panel Will Work to Bring Accountability, Transparency, and Program Integrity to Washington’s Out-Of-Control Spending

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Budget Committee Member Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI) launched a new Budget Committee Oversight Task Force, which will be chaired by Representative Bergman. 

Today, Oversight Task Force Chair Bergman published an opinion piece in The Hill, highlighting the need for fiscal transparency and responsibility throughout the federal government.

The goal of the Oversight Task Force, especially given the number of reckless policies brought forth by the Biden Administration, is to ensure that taxpayer money is being spent on integral issues that help the nation prosper and move toward a path of stronger fiscal standing.

“By promoting accountability, transparency, and program integrity, the Task Force will focus on three key areas of reform: reining-in wasteful spending, right-sizing the bureaucracy, and unleashing economic growth through deregulation,” said Oversight Task Force Chair Bergman. “Congress often promises but fails to deliver. The House Budget Committee will keep its commitment to the American people, authorizing this Task Force to go where the facts and the dollars lead. By holding Washington accountable, and protecting your money in the process, we will do our part to rebuild faith and trust in government.”
Members of the Task Force include: 

  1. Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI) [Task Force Chair]
  2. Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) 
  3. Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS) 
  4. Rep. Stephanie Bice (R-OK) 
  5. Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) 
  6. Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC) 
  7. Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) [Ex-Officio]

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